The Constitution of Kappa Tau Kappa
Article I. Name, Purpose, Mission, and Icons
Section 1. The name of the Fraternity shall be Kappa Tau Kappa (the “Fraternity”) and shall be abbreviated by the three Greek letters, KTK.
Section 2. The purpose of the Fraternity shall be to serve Brewton-Parker College (the “Institution”) and its students by 1) volunteering in areas of on-campus service at the Institution’s request; and 2) enhancing the on-campus social atmosphere of the Institution’s students.
Section 3. The mission of the Fraternity shall be to establish a lasting brotherhood among its members that promotes, develops, and produces servant-leaders.
Section 4. The Fraternity’s primary philanthropy, to which it provides service, shall be the Institution.
Section 5. The motto of the Fraternity shall be: “Live. Lead. Serve.”
Section 6. The colors of the Fraternity shall be claret (burgundy) and light blue with old gold trim.
Article II. Membership
Section 1. Membership shall be defined as two classifications: 1) “Pledge,” a current, partial member of the Fraternity who is attempting to become a Brother and does not necessarily posses the full rights granted by the Fraternity; and 2) “Brother,” a current, full member of the Fraternity who has completed the Pledge period and is granted the full rights of the Fraternity.
Section 2. Membership shall be open to all male students of the Institution who meet the qualifications for membership and who have received a bid to Pledge from the Fraternity. Potential members of the Fraternity shall not be discriminated against based on race, religion, or creed.
Section 3. Membership of the Fraternity shall not exceed 25 current members.
Section 4. The number of Pledge members shall not exceed the number of Brother members.
Section 5. To be qualified for current membership, individuals must meet the following: 1) Be enrolled in the Institution as a full-time student; 2) Possess a GPA of 2.8 or higher; and 3) Pay all required dues and fees of the Fraternity.
Section 6. Each member shall meet or exceed 15 hours of philanthropy service, per semester, approved by the Fraternity.
Section 7. The cost of membership dues for the following year shall be decided at the final Fraternity meeting of the spring semester and must be paid before the first day of fall semester classes.
Section 8. Pledge fees are a onetime fee of 20% of the current membership dues and must be paid within 2 weeks of accepting a bid to Pledge. A Pledge must also pay membership dues before the end of his Pledge period.
Section 9. Pledge members shall remain Pledges until the Brothers deem the Pledge class fit for induction to Brotherhood.
Section 10. The extension of a bid to Pledge shall be approved by vote of the Brothers.
Article III. Executive Officers
Section 1. Formation, Election, and Eligibility
Title i. The Executive Officers of the Fraternity shall be comprised of four offices: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Chaplain.
Title ii. The term of all Executive Officers shall be for one year and begin immediately following the final Fraternity meeting of the spring semester.
Title iii. The Executive Officers shall be voted into office during the penultimate Fraternity meeting of the spring semester. Brothers must receive a nomination to an Executive Officer position to be eligible for election. Voting shall be made by private ballot and the results must be counted in the presence of all Fraternity Brothers in attendance. Voting is limited to Fraternity Brothers.
Title iv. To be eligible for Executive Offices other than the Office of President, a Brother must have completed at least two semesters of membership to the Fraternity. Membership includes the Pledge period.
Title v. To be eligible for the Office of President, a Brother must have completed at least one term as an Executive Officer, or completed at least six semesters of membership to the Fraternity. Membership includes the Pledge period.
Title vi. If an Executive Officer is unable to complete his term and vacates his Office, an emergency meeting shall be held within one week of the vacancy to vote on a replacement Officer. This election shall follow Titles iii, iv, and v of this Section. Other Executive Officers are eligible to be elected to fill a vacant Office of President. The Brother elected to the vacated Office shall serve as that Officer for the remainder of the original term.
Section 2. President
Title i. The President shall oversee the planning and execution of the Fraternity’s social events.
Title ii. The President shall oversee the planning and execution of the Fraternity’s fundraising.
Title iii. The President shall collect all Fraternity incomes, yet shall not solely make deposits.
Title iv. The President shall recommend and facilitate inter-Greek relationships. However, the President has no authority to solely make or break such relationships.
Title v. The President shall have the authority to spend on Fraternity-related matters up to 10% of the Fraternity’s cash balance per semester without approval of the Brothers. This percentage shall be calculated from the highest cash balance amount during the semester.
Title vi. The President shall be the presiding officer over meetings of the Fraternity’s Brothers.
Title vii. The President has the authority to call emergency meetings.
Section 3. Vice-President
Title i. The Vice-President shall oversee the planning and execution of the Fraternity’s philanthropy service events.
Title ii. The Vice-President shall keep and monitor the philanthropy service hours of each Fraternity member.
Title iii. The Vice-President shall be responsible for the Pledge class and its development.
Section 4. Treasurer
Title i. The Treasurer shall monitor and note all financial incomes and expenditures of the Fraternity.
Title ii. The Treasurer shall provide a business report to the Fraternity monthly.
Title iii. The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping minutes at meetings of the Fraternity.
Section 5. Chaplain
Title i. The Chaplain shall be responsible for Fraternity relations with religious organizations.
Title ii. The Chaplain shall organize Bible studies that are open and optional to all members of the Fraternity.
Title iii. The Chaplain should be prepared and readily accessible to adequately provide Christian counseling to the Fraternity’s members.
Title iv. The Chaplain shall receive all incomes from the President and deposit incomes into the Fraternity’s cash balance account.
Article IV. Governance
Section 1. The Fraternity shall meet at regularly scheduled times at least every 2 weeks.
Section 2. The Executive Officers shall have a meeting(s) at least once a month.
Section 3. A quorum must be established to hold a meeting of the Fraternity. This quorum shall be a majority of the Brothers.
Section 4. The Brothers of the Fraternity shall have the power, by form of a majority vote of the Brothers, to make all actions and decisions of the Fraternity, unless this power is otherwise designated or granted herein this Constitution.
Section 5. All actions and decisions made by Executive Officers may be vetoed by a 2/3 override vote of the Brothers.
Section 6. The President shall have, with the exception of elections, no vote unless his vote would alter the outcome of the vote. The President shall always have the right to vote in elections.
Section 7. The powers of this Constitution and the actions of the Fraternity shall not abridge or violate the Handbook of the Institution.
Section 8. The powers of this Constitution and the actions of the Fraternity shall not abridge or violate the Greek By-Laws of the Institution.
Section 9. This Constitution may be amended by a 2/3 vote of current Brothers.
We, the Founding Brothers of Kappa Tau Kappa, hereby establish this Fraternity and authorize and accept this Constitution as the founding and governing document of Kappa Tau Kappa.